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Safe and Customized Breast Augmentation for Perkier Breasts

For many women, their breasts are a vital part of their appearance. Unfortunately, if you aren’t satisfied with how your breasts look, the psychological consequences can be overwhelming. Some women completely lose their self-esteem and confidence.

What’s more, they may feel less feminine, unattractive, and unsexy. Not only can it affect relationships, but it may also lead to anxiety and even depression. Luckily, it is possible to change the way your breasts look through a breast augmentation procedure.


If you’ve decided to get a breast augmentation, APS Institute of South Florida is here to support you in taking the next step. We offer detailed consultations, high-quality surgery, and comprehensive follow-up care to ensure you get the boobs you desire.

Close up of a woman's chest

Get the Breast You’ve Always Wanted: Breast Augmentation in Miami, FL

Feel more confident and sexier with our qualified breast augmentation in Miami, Florida.

Types of Breast Implants

Saline Breast Implants

These FDA-approved implants are usually filled with a sterile salt-water solution. They don’t come pre-filled. An empty silicone shell is put inside the breast pocket and filled with the saline solution to your desired size. In case of the shell leaks, the implant will collapse and your body will absorb and naturally expel the saline.

Silicone Breast Implants

They are made of silicone gel which feels more like natural breast tissue. These implants are also FDA-approved and come in many styles, shapes, and textures. If it breaks, the gel can remain inside the implant shell, or leak into the breast implant pocket. But it won’t collapse.

A model is shown with a focus on her chest

Why Get a Breast Augmentation? 

Improves Breast Symmetry

Most women have some degree of breast asymmetry. But for some, the differences in breast size are so noticeable. If your breasts aren’t symmetrical, it can affect your confidence. Also, it can make shopping for clothes difficult. Undertaking our breast augmentation procedure can help you balance out uneven breasts. Because you can pick a different breast implant size and shape per breast, the procedure allows you to have evenly matched boobs.

Adds Volume and Curves

Small breasts don’t provide the desired volume and curve to your physique. Breast augmentation can add volume to the top of your breasts, adding curves to your figure. Whether your goal is to fill out your clothing or add some size to your boobs, our breast augmentation surgeon in Miami can give you the new look and shape you desire.

Gives You a More Youthful Appearance

As you age, your breasts slowly sag and lose volume. Our boob job in Miami can help you restore the perky and youthful figure you once had.


More Proportional Body Size

Do you have larger hips and smaller boobs? If you do, you may feel like your body looks unbalanced. Our breast augmentation procedure can increase your bust size. This can help you look and feel more balanced.

What to Expect During Breast Augmentation Procedure

Step 1: Consultation

During the breast augmentation consultation, you can discuss with our certified surgeon about your expectations and desired outcome. We’ll evaluate your medical history to determine if you are the right candidate for the procedure. Our plastic surgeon will also examine and measure your breasts. You can also ask questions.

Step 2: Anesthesia

Our surgeon will administer general anesthesia.

Step 3: Incision

Once the patient is placed under general anesthesia, our surgeon will create an incision.

Step 4: Implant Insertion

Our breast augmentation surgeon will create a very clear-cut pocket for the implants and insert them. There are two different ways we can insert the implant— behind the breast tissue or under the chest muscle. The placement will depend on the type of implant you choose and how much size you’re adding to your breasts.

Step 5: Closing the Incision

After the surgeon places your implants, they will close the incisions with skin adhesive, surgical tape, or layered sutures.

Step 6: Recovery

Right after the breast augmentation procedure, you will remain under observation until you wake up. You’ll be able to leave once we determine that you’re stable enough. We will also give you specific aftercare instructions for your recovery and schedule a follow-up appointment. If need be, our surgeon can give you a prescription for medication to relieve pain.

Image of the APS logo on the wall

Why Choose Us for Your Breast Augmentation Surgery

Qualified Surgeons

Our breast augmentation surgeons are highly trained, board-certified, and experienced. They have the expertise necessary to ensure you have a safe and effective procedure. We guarantee that you will achieve the results you want.

State-of-the-Art Technology

We use leading-edge techniques and equipment to ensure your procedure is as comfortable as possible with the best possible outcomes.

Free Consultations

We only offer free consultations. You can book an appointment (in-person or virtual) to discuss your concerns and get a better understanding of your breast augmentation options. We’ll happily inform you about the procedure and how it can help you reach your goals. Our staff will give you all the information needed to help you make the right decision.

Personalized Services

Each patient has different breast augmentation needs. This is why we personalize the procedure to meet your exact requirements. Our goal is to ensure your boobs are the size and shape you desire.

How Much Does Breast Augmentation Cost in Miami, FL?

Our pricing method is clear and accurate. We’ll inform you about the costs of service before you receive them. Breast augmentation surgery at our clinic usually starts at $2,799.

Breast Augmentation Miami, FL: Schedule a Consultation Today

Do you want to get larger, perkier boobs? Look no further than APS Institute of South Florida. We have the best breast augmentation surgeon in Miami that can help you get the breasts of your dreams.

Get in touch with us today to learn more about breast augmentation in Miami, FL.

 (305) 559-2121

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