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Achieve the Body of Your Dreams With Liposuction in Miami

Get Rid of Excess Fat With Liposuction in Miami. 

Refine Your Body With APS Institute of South Florida

You can benefit from lipo in Miami if you're not happy with the shape and contour of your body. Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery procedure that can remove fat from various parts of your body. You can target stubborn pockets of fat that even the most rigid of diets and exercise routines can't get rid of. 

Are you ready to get your desired body? Contact APS Institute of South Florida to schedule a free in-person or video consultation with one of our plastic surgeons. 

What Is Liposuction?

Liposuction is also known as lipoplasty. Plastic surgeons use asuction technique to remove unwanted fat from specific areas of your body. Some areas that are commonly targeted with liposuction include:

  • Arms

  • Neck

  • Buttocks

  • Hips

  • Thighs

  • Abdomen

Lipo contours and shapes these areas. Liposuction isn't considered to be an alternative to weight loss. For overweight individuals, your plastic surgeon might recommend an alternative procedure to help them achieve their results. 

Once a patient undergoes liposuction, their skin molds itself to the newly made contours. If your skin has good elasticity and skin tone, your skin will appear smooth. If it's thin with poor elasticity, the skin might appear loose. 

What Are the Types of Liposuction?

Suction-Assisted Liposuction (SAL)

SAL is the standard and most common form of liposuction. A small cannula gets inserted through an incision. The cannula gets attached to a vacuum-like device. 

Ultrasound-Assisted Liposuction (UAL)

During UAL, a special cannula transmits ultrasound vibrations in your body. The vibrations break up and liquefy fat cells. The fat cells are then suctioned out. 

Power-Assisted Liposuction (PAL)

The cannula used in PAL has a mechanized movement. The surgeon doesn't have to move the cannula around a lot. Overall, the technique is similar to SAL.

Am I a Good Candidate for Liposuction?

Your plastic surgeon will let you know if liposuction is a good option for you during your free consultation. You should possess the following qualities to be considered a good candidate for lipo:

  • Within 30% of their ideal body weight

  • Overall good health 

  • Not suffering from life-threatening illnesses or medical conditions 

  • Non-smoker

  • Have a positive outlook and healthy goals

Many people with a strict exercise routine and healthy diets might struggle with excess fat deposits. A plastic surgeon might recommend liposuction for them to get rid of the fat. 

Does Liposuction Get Rid of Fat Permanently?

Many people wonder if their fat cells will return after they have liposuction. The answer isn't straightforward. 

Successful liposuction by a reputable plastic surgeon will permanently remove targeted fat cells. However, you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle, including diet and exercise, so your body doesn't make more fat cells. 

To maintain your weight loss following liposuction, you should follow a healthy diet. Incorporate foods like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean proteins into your diet. You should also regularly exercise. 

Can Liposuction Help Me With Loose Skin?

Lipo is designed to target fat cells. It won't majorly impact the appearance of loose skin. Other procedures, like a body lift or tummy tuck, can help that. 

How Do I Know if Liposuction Is Right for Me?

Women and women undergo lipo every year to achieve different goals. Some people want to look better in their clothes. Others want to enhance their healthy weight loss results. 

Liposuction might be right for you if you have excess fat deposits on your thighs, belly, or hips that won't respond to exercise or diet. Lipo is an excellent option for sculpting a natural contour in your body. 

You might want liposuction if you feel like certain areas of your body aren't in proportion with the rest of it. You can bring balance to your shape by reducing excess fat in certain areas. 

How Long Is the Recovery Period?

The tools and techniques used in modern liposuction are designed to minimize the trauma, discomfort, and swelling people experience after the procedure. Recovery from liposuction can be quick. Many patients head back to work just a few days after their procedure, depending upon how physical their job is. 

How much pain you might experience can vary. Your plastic surgeon will typically prescribe you pain medications to reduce your discomfort. 

You'll also be advised to wear a compression garment for a few weeks after your procedure. The compression garment will help accelerate the healing process and reduce scarring. Your scars should fade quickly after your procedure and barely be visible a year after. 

How Our Process Works

Step One: Contact Our Office

Fill out our online contact form or call us at 305-559-2121 to schedule a free consultation.

Step Two: Receive Your Consultation 

Meet with one of our plastics surgeons in person or online to discuss if lipo is right for you.

Step Three: Achieve Your Goals

Get the body of your dreams with liposuction in Miami. 

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Why Choose APS Institute in South Florida for Lipo?

People from the Miami area and across the country come to the APS Institute of South Florida to get liposuction. We're proud to be one of the leading cosmetic surgery providers in the area. 

At APS Institute of South Florida, we believe each person possesses natural beauty. We understand that some people might want to enhance their bodies using cosmetic surgery. 


When we meet with our patients, whether in person or over video chat, we take the time to get to know them. We tailor our recommendations based on their needs and goals. We strive to help our patients achieve their desired results and feel confident. 

Get High-Quality Liposuction in Miami, FL

Are you ready to get the body of your dreams? Contact APS Institute of South Florida to schedule a free consultation to learn more about liposuction in Miami. 

Get in touch to learn more about this procedure:

 (305) 559-2121

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