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Get a Curvier Figure with a Professional Tummy Tuck in Miami, FL

Enjoy a firmer, flatter abdomen with our customized tummy tuck in Miami.

Before and after image of tummy tuck procedure

What is Tummy Tuck?

Also known as abdominoplasty, the tummy tuck is a cosmetic procedure that involves the removal of extra fat and skin and the tightening of muscles in your abdominal wall. This allows you to achieve a flatter and more toned abdomen.

Safe and Certified Tummy Tuck Procedures in Miami

A belly pooch is sometimes considered the price of aging. Yet belly fat does more than make it hard to zip up your favorite jeans. Not only can it make you look unappealing but it can also lead to several health risks.

But it can be frustratingly hard to shed abdominal fat. When targeted exercises and dieting fail to eliminate stubborn stomach fat, our tummy tuck surgery in Miami can be an effective way to achieve a flatter and more contoured abdomen. Our tummy tuck surgeon in Miami has helped a lot of patients redefine their waistline, improving the appearance of their midsection.

Safe, Effective Tummy Tuck Procedures

Standard or Full Tummy Tuck

Looking to improve both your upper and lower abdomen? You should consider getting a full tummy tuck. It’s an effective procedure if you have excessive abdominal fat, stretched-out muscles, and very loose skin.

During the procedure, the surgeon creates a horizontal incision hip to hip and around the belly button. They’ll then remove the fat deposits and excess skin before tightening the stomach muscles. Also, the surgeon may need to reposition the belly button.

Extended Tummy Tuck

If you just lost a lot of weight, the extended tummy tuck may be the right surgery for you. It helps remove more skin from a wider area. This procedure involves creating a horizontal incision that stretches across the lower belly. A vertical incision through the belly button is also made to remove more excess tissue and tighten your abdominal muscles.

Mini Tummy Tuck

Unlike a full tummy tuck, a mini tummy tuck treatment focuses exclusively on your lower abdomen. It’s a suitable procedure if you have limited belly fat and skin laxity. With this technique, the surgeon creates a horizontal incision under your belly button before removing the extra skin and tightening your abdominal muscles.

Benefits of a Tummy Tuck in Miami, FL

Improves Appearance

A tummy tuck sculpts your abdomen, changing the appearance of your abdomen to a more desired appearance. After the surgery, you will have a flatter and firmer belly. What’s more, it’ll be more proportionate to your natural body figure and weight.

Relieves Back Pain

If you have a large abdomen, you are more likely to experience back issues like lower back pain and vertebral disc disease. Getting a tummy tuck can help strengthen your core, reducing your risk of developing back issues.

Enhances Posture

A large abdomen can pull your curves out of alignment, leading to poor posture. Our tummy tuck in Miami can help improve your posture. It tightens your abdominal muscles, allowing them to offer better support to your spine and back. This reduces the strain on your whole body.

Makes Exercising Easy

If you have a large abdomen, you may find it difficult to exercise and work your belly fat away. But with a newly sculpted abdomen thanks to the best tummy tuck surgeon in Miami, Florida, you can go back to enjoying workouts. It’ll also be easier to keep the belly fat off.

Miami Tummy Tuck Procedure: What to Expect 

Step 1: Consultation

During your tummy tuck consultation, you can tell us about your cosmetic goals. Our surgeon will also evaluate your general health status to determine if you are the right candidate for a tummy tuck procedure.

Step 2: Administer Anesthesia

We’ll administer general anesthesia so that you are comfortable during the procedure.

Step 3: Create Incision

Based on the type of tummy tuck you’re getting, our surgeon will make the necessary incisions to remove the excess skin. After trimming the skin, the remaining skin is sutured together.

Step 4: Closing the incisions

We’ll use sutures or surgical tape to close the incisions.

Step 5: See the Results

Our tummy tuck surgery will result in a flatter, firmer abdomen that’s proportionate with your weight and body type.

How Much is a Tummy Tuck in Miami?

Miami tummy tuck costa can vary in price depending on the extent of the surgery required. But generally, tummy tuck cost in Miami at APS Institute of South Florida starts at $4,499.

APS logo on the wall

Why Choose Us for Your Miami Tummy Tuck?

Highly Qualified Surgeons

We have a team of highly-trained, knowledgeable, and board-certified surgeons to provide you with safe, effective, and quality tummy tuck procedures. We not only provide excellent healthcare but also exceptional aesthetic results.

State-of-the-Art Technology

Our practice is well-resourced with advanced technology to help you achieve your cosmetic goals. We also convey a friendly and inviting atmosphere to help you feel comfortable throughout every step of the tummy tuck procedure.

Free Consultations

If you want to know more about the tummy tuck procedure, we offer free and comprehensive consultations. Our goal is to help you make more informed decisions that match your cosmetic goals.

Work with Our Board-Certified Tummy Tuck Surgeon in Miami

Got a large abdomen? Looking to get rid of it? Look no further than APS Institute of South Florida. Our tummy tuck procedures will help you achieve the curvy shape you desire.

Get in touch to learn more about this procedure:

 (305) 559-2121

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